Dear Mr. Federal Express,
Our relationship has been in trouble for a while now. You could make me so happy with your "gifts", and I would always greet you with a smile. If only you could deliver my packages to my house...if only you could stop delivering my neighbor's packages to me...if only you could remember that 503 comes before 513...if only.
Well, I'm so looking forward to your next visit! I made something, just for you. I hope you like it. I hope it makes you smile. Most of all, I hope it answers your recurring question: "Is this 503 or 513?" It's 513, Mr. Fed Ex. It's 513.

HAHA! Our Fed Ex guy and yours must have gone to the same training!
aaahhh! Well said. This is a great post, and such a nice house number sign. Hope it works for you and you get all your packages easily from now on. Happy blogging.
Thanks! So far, so good:)
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