Friday, May 7, 2010


I was going to post about my beloved k-9's new hairdo this morning, but I'm feeling too down to sound perky, so I'll share that another day. We've lost a loved one this week in my husband's family. Actually, it doesn't even feel right to say 'his family' as I sit here with tear-streaked cheeks. Somehow, his family became my family too...

Also, there are major changes happening with my family. I don't do well with change. I find myself sighing a lot today. Can anyone relate?

So here I am. Sad. Tired. Scared. Weak.

I decided to pop in a Jeremy Camp CD while I did the dishes. The song Restored came on, and I looked up and saw this out the window...
 I could actually feel the warmth of the sun on my face. 

I may need to seek these daily (or hourly) reminders that God is here with me...but they are there.


Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Iron Girl!! said...

My heart goes out to you this morning as I read your post. There are days when we feel so tired, sad, and physically as though we just can't go on another minute...but remember that the Lord carries us when we need carried. He walks beside us when we need a Friend. I am praying that the Lord will wrap His comfort around you like a blanket today and in the days to come. I pray that you will find balm for your hurting heart in many ways as you walk through the coming days.

Sending prayers...

Heather said...

Hey Babe - I'm just finally getting around to looking at the blog/email life again. I'm here for you! Give me a call if you want to talk. I hope you have a great day and that you have some special plans for tomorrow. I love you very much!

Leslie @ Farm Fresh Fun said...

I am so sorry for your family's loss.
Hoping you're feeling a wee bit better and are wrapped in little loving arms with chocolate, flowers and coffee waiting on a side table...
Happy Mother's Day!


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