Thursday, September 15, 2011

Treehouse Update

Well, the leaves are starting to fall...
I thought it was probably time for a treehouse update. We originally hoped to have it finished this summer, but now we're just hoping to get it under roof before winter! It's been a fun project, but it's not always easy to get out there and work on it. We're limited to weekends. Non-stormy weekends. That's really limited our options this year!

Keep in mind that when I say "we" I really mean "they". I've helped with some things, but for the most part, this has been a project for Dad and his little monsters. I think they're lovin' it that way ;)

So anyway, here we are...

Since snapping these pics, the four walls for the house have been studded out. Don't ask me what needs to happen next. I think we're about ready for the roof trusses, and I KNOW we're ready for the stairs. Actually, it's more like a ladder, but I feel better saying "stairs." Like it makes it safer. The Husband and I have had conversations about the means to get into this treehouse. I'm all about the safety. He insists that these children NEED a little danger and adventure in their lives. I see his point, I do. But I also really know my chaos-makers. Some of them are very careful. And some of them are...ahem...not. I was informed that there will be a gate at the top of the "stairs", so I guess that's a good compromise.

If the kids had their way, this thing would be sporting a zip line, climbing net, super slide, fireman's pole, rope bridge, trampoline dock, and cannon. Not sure how many of those things will end up at their pad, but I have a feeling they'll have a blast with a bucket and pulley! :)

I'll keep ya posted...


Marianne said...

It looks awesome. Some day I want to do this with my kids at our summer house.
Just have to talk my dad into it.
How is school coming around?
I just haven't had time to blog for a month due to organizing the MOPS group at my church, but that should slow down as soon as Tuesday is over and I should be back at blogging then.

~Kristin~ said...

Your kids will love, love, love this!
I am so impressed and...what a great way to spend time with their daddy.
So cool.

Last year when other bloggy friends just didn't have time to blog....I was thinking....I will always have time to blog.
But now....phew. Days are busy and so full. It feels like I hit the day running and then crash into bed at night. I keep thinking I will blog in the evening. But then, I am too tired to think about anything that takes much effort.
I guess it was about time I figured out that there just isn't enough time in the day, you know?
Homeschooling high It's a big job!

How is school going in your neck of the woods?
Are you off to a great start?
Have you found a good working routine?
Do you have time for anything extra?

I am so glad I saw your post today and it looks like you have changed your blog design~ very pretty.

Thinking of you~
Love, Kristin

Sarah said...

What a fun adventure for Dad and his little 'monsters". I can only imagine the fun the treehouse will hold in the years to come.

So glad you stopped by to splash with me. It's always a joy to meet other mommas loving in their family.

Be blessed bunches,

Iron Girl!! said...

The treehouse project is coming along nicely! Wow - what a great space for the kids to play! And, they'll remember building it with Dad, which are memories that last a lifetime. :)

Blessings to you Marie,

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

It looks like kid heaven! And what great memories they'll have.

A climbing net sounds like it could be cool~and not as dangerous as a cannon. :)

Heather said...

Looks great! Looks like the kids are having a blast, too...what a patient Daddy!!!;)


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